Environmental Sustainability  is Beyond Than Just A Theory

In my opinion, sustainability is maintaining the ability to keep something on track by balancing the life circle. In the other hand, the ability to maintain the renewable resources. Even though most of the academicians believe in sustainability theories built by land theories and public policy theories as well as framed by infrastructure theories, but the implementation is more than just a theory.

Especially for  Indonesia who participates in the regional forum on climate change after COP21 Paris became a strong commitment of Indonesia to implement the international agreement on climate change through environmental sustainability policies. But how?

The implementation is surely not easy considering the dilemma between economic development and the environmental sustainability. Sometimes, in order to boost the economic growth, the environment needs to be sacrificed. The question is, how to achieve the economic interest without hampering the environment. The integration between these two aspects can be a good combination to create a balance policy.

As an example, if the government wants to increase the production of vegetables in one area by fostering the production rate three times higher than before without destroying the soil, the government needs to find a way to use another alternative of using organic fertilizer to achieve that goal. So the government needs to provide the green technology or at least providing an affordable organic product for farmers.

At the end, three key components of sustainability which are maintaining the earth’s life support system, the community or civic capacity and the economics will result a good policy for all. 





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